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“Difficulties come your way by different means. Pay attention as to what follows suit and make adjustments if necessary.”

By Misty Strieff Prine


“Difficulties come your way by different means. Pay attention as to what follows suit and make adjustments if necessary.”

                “Never forget three types of people in your life: 1: Who helped you in difficult times. 2. Who left you in difficult times. 3. Who put you in difficult times.” – Unknown.

Difficult times happen to each one of us and this message is about what we need to observe when those times come. This message is not about focusing on the difficulty, but instead, focusing on situational awareness during that time.

Always remember who is there for you in difficult times. First and foremost, you need to always remember the “unseen” but always felt, most important One in the room, God Himself. Rest assured, you may not can see Him, but He is most certainly there. He promised to never leave you and He is not in the breaking promises business. He already has the answers lined up to your difficulty you are facing right now before it even happened. Make sure you are using the resource of prayer to your advantage and know the importance of being still and talking to God like you are supposed to. He gave us that lifeline for a very important reason. Also, remember who was there for you during that difficult time. God provided someone that helped get you through that time. Maybe it was someone you didn’t expect, maybe it was someone you have on a constant basis. Either way, be thankful for them and let them know you appreciate them. Pay it forward to others as well by being a kind person who is there for others in a way that is a living testimony that can be shared to help others through their time of need as well.

Remember those who left you during your difficult times and guard your heart from future heartaches by understanding that true friendship is hard to find but the Savior is right there 24/7. Because of that promise, remember, that God sometimes removes people from your life to protect you. Don’t run after them. He knows who belongs in your life and who doesn’t. Trust Him and rest assured that whoever is in your life is meant to be there when difficult times come.

Lastly, remember the people and the circumstances that put you in those predicaments. Let it be a reminder to you that you can’t blame others for the choices you make. By association, they may get you in a mess and sway you in the wrong direction but it’s your choice to follow and it’s up to you to make the right decisions.

We all have a chance to make the right decisions in life. We always need to remember that it’s a great decision to pray about it before making it. If you’re having a rough day, know He’s right there with you for you to talk to. He will help you through it.

**For daily devotionals, you can follow me on Facebook at The Upward Way or on Instagram at the_upward_way.


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