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Apelah Seeks Mississippi Foster Families for Special Needs Children

Apelah, a Mississippi-based non-profit provider of specialized foster care and in-home care services, is seeking individuals and families throughout Mississippi who will open their homes to help care for the growing number of children in need of foster care.

More than 4,000 Mississippi children are living in foster care or are currently in need of placement with foster-care families that are willing to offer safe and compassionate living environments for children, many with special needs, who do not have a home of their own.

“At Apelah, we specialize in developing amazing hero homes for children who need individualized medical and emotional care while providing a safe and loving environment,” said Tammy Pierce, associate vice president of development and corporate outreach. “Apelah’s dedicated staff recruits, trains, and supports our exceptional foster parents, who provide homes of healing and refuge while nurturing and caring for these children.”

Apelah provides its foster families with:

● Access to 24-hour case management support.

● Coordinated care focused on effective communication and planning related to the child’s health and well-being.

● Foster parents who are well-matched to the needs of each child.

● Ongoing training for all foster parents.

● Board payments to the foster parents, including personal and clothing allowances for each child in care

According to Pierce, Apelah is always available to answer questions and respond to any concerns of foster parents. ‘We provide guidance so that all of our foster parents feel supported and ready to provide excellent care to the children,” she said.

To become a foster parent, Apelah first conducts a home-study and background check of each foster parent/family. All future foster parents then receive the essential training necessary to be successful. Foster parents may be married or single living with or without children.

Apelah is looking for foster parents who are willing to:

● Give of themselves without expectations.

● Have sufficient room to house a foster child comfortably.

● Have enough time day/night to care for a foster child.

● Learn and use proven behavior management skills.

● Love and care for children regardless of their challenges.

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a foster parent, please contact Apelah in Ridgeland, MS., at 601.991.2224 or by email at To learn more, please visit our website at Please stop by our Open House, September 7, 2023 from 5 pm to 7 pm at Apelah, Inc., 304 Highland Park Cove, Ridgeland, MS 39157.


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